It's time to show off!
When you consult a linguist or hire a writer, you want to know what their work is like before they start. In the text biz showcase, you get to see a portfolio that illustrates what's on offer. Only a few specific business and subject areas are represented here, but when you request an estimate, you can find out more about how the text biz can best help you.
More information from bruce(at)
Select public portfolio
Language education
Lessons from Nothing (Cambridge University Press)
Content and Language Integrated Learning (University of Jyväskylä)
Travel writing
Easter Island (Go World Travel)
Isle of Man (GoNOMAD)
Thailand (GoNOMAD, also on Kindle)
Furthermore, A Kick Up the Balkans, a diary of a year in Bulgaria in the early 1990s, is available in Kindle format on Amazon.
See Poetry corner.
The Internet Movie Database (personal IMDb listing)
The text biz showcase on this site
Travel writing
Beauty and suffering in Hiroshima
Plus, check out the blog.
All content in these sections copyright: © The text biz 2010-2023